
Showing posts from January, 2020

Out with the old, in with the new! 2019 Reflections and 2020 Goals!

Hi All, Long time, no post. Sometimes I forget the label has a blog. Anyways, I just wanted to make a quick post to reflect on 2019 and share some ideas on where the label will be going in 2020. First, I want to acknowledge all the folks who've supported the label throughout it's very short existence. Without your sharing, listens, or purchases, Useless Plastic Toys wouldn't be able to exist and it definitely wouldn't be as special. Thank you so much for the support! As for the bands I worked with, I want to give a special shout out to Josh who performs under the names Wild Heart & Restore, Brian/Simian Cyborg, and the lovely folks in Man The Manipulator. Being allowed to play a part in mixing/mastering the music or working on the artwork/design for their releases was a fun and rewarding experience that I hope will continue into 2020 with other Useless Plastic releases. Now no process is ever perfect in regard to art, let alone releasing it. 2020 I will defi...