Review: Burial Etiquette - S/t E.p.

April 20, 2019 I'm honest unfamiliar with the screamo acts coming out of Canada these days, but they never seem to disappoint when I come across them. Thunder Bay, Ontario's Burial Etiquette comes at us with 5 tracks of classic, late 90's early 2000's screamo. Lucky for them, I've been a screamo scholar for over a decade, so right away I knew what they were going for after listening the E.p. They have quite a few different styles of screamo all mixed into this release. Let me explain, every screamo band from the late 90's/early 2000's had something unique to offer. It was almost like those band's sound became a sub-genre of it's own underneath the screamo umbrella. For example, Saetia had a clean/jazzy sound, then would bust into distortion. Jeromes Dream was heavy and abrasive. City of Caterpillar's music was filled with post-rock influence. This release captures Saetia...